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i would like everyone to post stories on DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS everyday on this page and keep everyone updated because everyday is DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS DAY and networking in helping others against this abuse.the streets dont love you back movement help and educate all year round 365 days a year/We will be collecting clothes, Jackets, blankets, underwear, socks, backpacks and hygiene products, etc. for the DOMESTIC VIOLENCE shelters... . Please let us know and we can pick up... or you can send it to us at
P.O. Box 1093 Maricopa, Arizona 85139 we would like to thank every one who supports us to keep helping others god bless you all. rob and lucinda

Location: GLOBAL
Members: 16
Latest Activity: Feb 16, 2018

Stop Domestic Violence!!!

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Discussion Forum

Accused of Murdering Husband, Teacher Cites Years of Abuse

Accused of Murdering Husband, Teacher Cites Years of Abuse- / +PONTIAC, Mich., Dec. 7, 2004…Continue

Started by The Streets Don't Love You Back Feb 6, 2012.


Before this freeing art can be practiced, there must be a letting go. Letting go does not mean you forget the person, place, or situation. Instead, it requires you to take an honest look at what you…Continue

Started by Lucinda F. Boyd Oct 6, 2010.


Ever have a nightmare about an ex? We all have…but I’ve been noticing lately that a few of my friends still have nightmares about someone they haven’t been involved with in a while. They always feel…Continue

Started by Lucinda F. Boyd Oct 6, 2010.


Arguments in relationships get a pretty bad rap. There are a lot of articles on the Web based on avoiding arguments. The truth is conflict is a natural form of creating boundaries and learning about…Continue

Started by Lucinda F. Boyd Oct 6, 2010.


Most of us find ourselves in some type of relationship pattern, good or bad. Sometimes, however, ending a relationship we know we need to get out of seems close to impossible. Check out these warning…Continue

Started by Lucinda F. Boyd Oct 6, 2010.


Once we become aware we do have a choice in how we perceive and respond to situations beyond our control we can begin the active process of forgiving. Contrary to popular belief, to forgive in this…Continue

Started by Lucinda F. Boyd Oct 6, 2010.


Forgive and forget? We all have been faced with this challenge since the school yard. But what about the more serious long-lasting and long-reaching scars that linger into adulthood? Those who have…Continue

Started by Lucinda F. Boyd Oct 6, 2010.

Is Your Partner Abusive? 5 red flags that signal an unhealthy bond...

We are all creatures of habit, which alas means, many of us stay in a relationship even when it sucks or a niggling feeling inside tells us that something is definitely out of balance. We disregard…Continue

Started by Lucinda F. Boyd Oct 6, 2010.


Abusive partners are most often survivors of abuse themselves, and wreak havoc on the receiver(s) in mental, verbal, emotional and physical ways. Yet for many abuse survivors, mental abuse in…Continue

Started by Lucinda F. Boyd Oct 6, 2010.


It’s a tough realization, gals, when the man you thought was the One turns out to be a zero. I’ve been there, and completely understand how difficult it can be. As a former dating veteran, I want to…Continue

Started by Lucinda F. Boyd Oct 6, 2010.

Comment Wall


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Comment by The Streets Don't Love You Back on August 30, 2013 at 12:39pm Donation Resource Center
We are in need of shampoo & conditioner, all sizes of socks, new underwear, adult diapers, towels, and baby wipes.
Please note: The Donation Resource Center will be closed Saturday, August 31st in observance of Labor Day and will open again on Tuesday, September 3.
Sojourner Center's Donation Center is located at:

2330 E Fillmore St
Phoenix AZ 85006
Phone: (602) 253-9180

Donation Center Hours:

When fleeing abuse, a survivor often has to leave behind their home and most, if not all, of their possessions. The items you need in your own home are the very items needed by the families who come to Sojourner Center. Through the generosity of the community, our Donation Center is able to provide:

clothing for school, work, interviews, and daily wear;
household items such as lamps, small appliances, furniture and linens;
children's items such as high chairs, strollers, and toys; and
personal hygiene products.

Comment by The Streets Don't Love You Back on August 30, 2013 at 7:30am

Last May, Shanae Howard was shot and killed by her boyfriend in Montclair. Monica Paul and Shazmina Khan lost their lives to domestic violence.
To increase awareness and help women and their families heal, SOFIA, a non-profit that aims to help victims of domestic violence become self-sufficient, positive and successful, will hold its third annual Walk Against Domestic Violence on Saturday, September 7. A walk for empowerment, held every year in Montclair’s beautiful Canterbury Park, the event is a fundraiser to help support domestic abuse awareness and prevention in our own area and neighboring communities.
SOFIA, or Start Out Fresh Intervention Advocates, develops workshops on Teen Dating Violence Prevention, Bullying, Developing Healthy Relationships, Being a Supportive Ally, as well as hosting a support group for survivors and victims of domestic violence. SOFIA helps those who have experienced violence in their home lives to find empowerment and strength within themselves.
As the organizers of SOFIA say, ”It takes a village to raise a child; it also takes a team to impact our community.”
Get your own team together and join the walk on Saturday, September 7th to support this important organization! Teams can sign up to walk for $35, and individuals can sign up for $10. Registration begins at 9 am, and the walk starts at 10 am. Bring a group from work or your block or your favorite coffee shop to walk together to better your community!
For more information about SOFIA, the Third Annual Walk Against Domestic Violence, or programs in our area, please contact organizers at 973-932-0503 or email here.

Comment by The Streets Don't Love You Back on August 30, 2013 at 7:23am
Fairfield County Community Foundation
383 Main Avenue
Norwalk, CT 06851-1543 Phone: 203.750.3200
Fax: 203.750.3232
Comment by The Streets Don't Love You Back on August 30, 2013 at 7:16am

The Advocate
9A Riverbend Drive South
P.O. Box 9307
Stamford, CT 06907

Comment by The Streets Don't Love You Back on August 25, 2013 at 7:21pm
Comment by The Streets Don't Love You Back on August 23, 2013 at 5:29pm About
NOW is the largest, most comprehensive feminist advocacy group in the U.S. We take action to bring women into full participation in society -- sharing equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities with men, while living free from discrimination.
Our purpose is to take action to bring women into full participation in society -- sharing equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities with men, while living free from discrimination.
Company Overview
NOW is one of the few multi-issue progressive organizations in the United States. NOW stands against all oppression, recognizing that racism, sexism and homophobia are interrelated, that other forms of oppression such as classism and ableism work together with these three to keep power and privilege concentrated in the hands of a few.

Government, our judicial system, big business, mainstream media and other institutions treat many groups in our society like second-class citizens. Pitting us against each other is an essential mechanism for maintaining the status quo. Together, we can create the change we've been dreaming of—our unity is our strength.
1100 H Street, Washington, District of Columbia 20005

Comment by The Streets Don't Love You Back on August 23, 2013 at 4:10am
Comment by The Streets Don't Love You Back on August 23, 2013 at 3:59am
Comment by The Streets Don't Love You Back on August 23, 2013 at 2:55am

Phoenix, Arizona 85009
Phone (602) 442-6616

Comment by The Streets Don't Love You Back on August 22, 2013 at 12:23am


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