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Wrongly Convicted/Injustice Group


Wrongly Convicted/Injustice Group

Contact Us
Innocence Project
40 Worth St., Suite 701
New York, NY 10013

To submit a case to the Innocence Project

The Innocence Project is not equipped to handle case applications or inquiries by email or over the phone. All case submissions and follow-up correspondence will be handled by mail or overnight delivery services only.

If you are seeking legal assistance, please read the following guidelines for submitting your case.

All cases for consideration should be mailed (to the address above) with a brief factual summary of the case, including the specific charges and convictions and a list of the evidence used against the defendant. No other documents should be submitted for initial review. The Innocence Project is not equipped to handle telephone or electronic (email) applications.

The Innocence Project only accepts cases on post-conviction appeal in which DNA testing can prove innocence. If the case does not involve biological evidence or DNA, visit the Other Innocence Organizations page to see if there is a program in your area that provides broader legal and investigative assistance.

Defendants in California and Wisconsin: We are NOT currently accepting new cases from California or Wisconsin. If you are looking for assistance in Wisconsin, please contact the Wisconsin Innocence Project.

California: If the conviction/crime occurred in southern California, please contact the California Innocence Project. The counties covered by the California Innocence Project are: Kern, Imperial, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura.

If the conviction/crime occurred in any other California county, please contact the Northern California Innocence Project.

Click here to join our online community by signing up for our e-mail newsletter.

NOTE: The Innocence Project is not affiliated with an organization operating under the name “American Innocence Project” and the American Innocence Project does not have authorization to solicit funds under the Innocence Project name. If you have been contacted this group or a similar organization, please contact us at

Location: global
Members: 6
Latest Activity: Sep 1, 2016

Innocence Project contact info

Contact Us
Innocence Project
40 Worth St., Suite 701
New York, NY 10013
212.364.5340 Innocence Project Staff

Name Title
Barry C. Scheck & Peter J. Neufeld Co-Directors
Olga Akselrod Staff Attorney
Angela Amel Director of Operations
Elena Aviles Document Manager
Bryce Benjet Staff Attorney
Joe Blaney Director of State Legislative Reform
Stephanie Box Development Assistant
Rebecca Brown Director of State Policy Reform
Lisa Burger State Policy Advocate
Paul Cates Communications Director
Sarah Chu Forensic Policy Advocate
Scott Clugstone Director of Finance and Administration
Michael Coleman, Jr. Finance Assistant
Ariana Costakes Administrative Assistant, Operations Department
Valencia Craig Case Management Database Administrator
Hensleigh Crowell Paralegal
Huy Dao Case Director
Madeline deLone Executive Director
Ana Marie Diaz Case Assistant
David Dodge Policy and Communications Manager
Chris Fabricant Joseph Flom Special Counsel
Akiva Freidlin Associate Director for Institutional Giving
Nicholas Goodness Case Analyst
Edwin Grimsley Case Analyst
Daniella Henry Policy Analyst
Barbara Hertel Finance Associate
Ifeoma Ike State Policy Advocate
Liz Janszky Innocence Network Associate
Mandy Jaramillo Investigations Attorney
Jeffrey Johnson Office Manager
Katherine Judson Shaken Baby Syndrome Litigation Fellow Meredith Kennedy Innocence Network Coordinator
Shoshanah Kennedy Executive Assistant
Jason Lantz Assistant Director, Information and Communications Technology
Victoria Lawson Research Assistant
Audrey Levitin Director of Development and External Affairs
David Loftis Managing Attorney
Laura Ma Assistant Director, Donor Services
Alana Massie Communications Associate
Vanessa Meterko Research Assistant
Katie Monroe Senior Advocate for National Partnerships
Nina Morrison Senior Staff Attorney
Karen Newirth Eyewitness Identification Litigation Fellow
Jung-Hee Oh Administrative Associate, Legal Department
Corinne Padavano Assistant Director of Human Resources
Gina Papera-Ewing Paralegal
Liza Parisky Paralegal
Charlie Piper Special Assistant
Vanessa Potkin Senior Staff Attorney
Devin Potts Forensic Policy Associate
Kristin Pulkkinen Assistant Director of Individual Giving
Altaf Rahamatulla Policy Analyst
N. Anthony Richardson Assistant and Database Administrator
Hannah Riley Communications Assistant Sam Ritchie Online Communications Manager
Seema Saifee Staff Attorney
Stephen Saloom Policy Director
Meryl Schwartz Deputy Executive Director
Maggie Taylor Senior Case Analyst
Karen Thompson Staff Attorney
Elizabeth Vaca Assistant to the Directors
Marc Vega Case Assistant
Jessica Wagshul Development Associate, Innocence Network
Lily Warnke Strategic Litigation Paralegal
Elizabeth Webster Publications Manager
Elizabeth Weill-Greenberg Case Analyst
Emily West Research Director
Karen Wolff Social Worker

Discussion Forum


Advanced DNA Testing Sought in Effort to Clear Johnnie Lee Savory of 35-Year-Old Peoria MurdersJohnnie Lee Savory (Photo: Center on Wrongful Convictions)PEORIA, Illinois (Nov. 14, 2012) - Center on…Continue

Started by Darcy Delaproser Dec 16, 2012.

Lee Benson with Boyd and Lucinda feb 20, 2013

Leon Benson’s Struggle for Freedom"..Learn to grasp the things within reach and eventually…Continue

Tags: feb, 20, 2013, Lucinda, and

Started by The Streets Don't Love You Back Dec 16, 2012.

Christopher Trotter

Christopher Trotter, one of the most notorious inmates in Indiana. His involvement in a 1985 prison riot turned his 4-year prison sentence into a 142-year sentence. Chris has served 32 years and is…Continue

Tags: Trotter, Christopher

Started by The Streets Don't Love You Back Dec 10, 2012.

Christy Clinton Phillips

Christy Clinton Phillips. I am being held in prison under violations of my civil and political rights I need help in fighting for the protection of these rights. The issue of my case in short form,…Continue

Started by Darcy Delaproser Dec 8, 2012.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Wrongly Convicted/Injustice Group to add comments!

Comment by The Streets Don't Love You Back on May 1, 2014 at 4:02pm

INNOCENT: A mom got a hug from her only son 25 years after he was wrongly convicted of a murder committed in New York in 1989. At the time of the deadly shooting, Jonathan Fleming told police he had been on a vacation at Disney World. Despite having plane tickets, photos, hotel receipts and travel documents to back him up, he was convicted of murder. "I knew he didn't do it, because I was there," she said. "When they gave my son 25 to life, I thought I would die in that courtroom." Read his full, unbelievable story here:

Comment by The Streets Don't Love You Back on October 13, 2013 at 1:09pm

If you are studying music/journalist/youth work or broadcasting, consider becoming an intern for the Keep It Real Show or change reality show,the streets dont love you back radio show,the streets dont love you back movement,writers for our news letter,and homeless feed every month, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE awareness,
Also, tell your professor about the programs. Please send your resume via email to more info at

Comment by The Streets Don't Love You Back on December 16, 2012 at 2:17pm

URGENT: Please sign Leon's petition and help us spread the word:

Comment by The Streets Don't Love You Back on December 10, 2012 at 5:11pm
Comment by The Streets Don't Love You Back on December 10, 2012 at 10:41am

christopher trotter talking from prison/patricia shelton with Boyd and Lucinda dec 12 , 2012 8:30 PT/ 9:30 MT/ 10:30 CT/ 11:30 ET Phone: 347-826-7273

Comment by The Streets Don't Love You Back on December 8, 2012 at 6:38pm

Sharon Mabry was born in 1956 and grew up in a middle class community in Detroit, Michigan. Although her mother was a devout Jehovah’s Witness, as Sharon became a teenager , Sharon Mabry, a prostitute, madam, and ex-informant for the police was convicted of felony murder and three counts of robbery in the death of her estranged pimp/boyfriend.Arnita Faison mother of Sharon Mabry will speak out on her case. .

Listen to internet radio with Boyd and Lucinda on Blog Talk Radio
Comment by The Streets Don't Love You Back on December 8, 2012 at 5:33pm
Listen to internet radio with Boyd and Lucinda on Blog Talk Radio

Linda Dolloff case a injustice free linda dolloff read her story
to all supporters who would like to reach linda dolloff #115547 maine corr center 17 mallison falls rd/windham,maine 04062 it is so much injustice going on in this world me and my wife thank god that we have put together a outlet for people to have a voice that can speak loud and be heard...

Comment by The Streets Don't Love You Back on December 8, 2012 at 5:29pm

FREE LONZIE W. MCQUIRTER AFTER 28 YEARS OF INJUSTICE.ME AND MY WIFE RECIEVE A LETTER IN THE MAIL WITH HIS CASE PAPERS AFTER READING THEM AND RESEARCH HE DID NOT DO THE CRIME.CONTACT LONZIE W .MCQUIRTER #168742 LAKELAND CORR FACILITY 141 FIRST . ST COLDWATER,MI 49036......the crime took place 12-23-1984 in michigan against the leferes who where bound,gagged by robbers i read this info in paper and asking anyone in the michigan area who can put some light on this case to free a man who didnt do this crime after 28 years in prison people have to standed up and be a loud voice against injustice THIS CASE NEEDS TO BE LOOKED INTO...

Comment by The Streets Don't Love You Back on December 8, 2012 at 5:06pm

curtis Shuler Jr #H07645 Tomoka Correctional Inst 3950 Tiger Bay road daytona beach fl 3212/acquitted-but-still-serving-life-without-parole-since-he-was-16-3/My"> husbands name is Curtis Shuler Jr and he is currently serving a term of natural life in prison without the possibility of parole. He was a sixteen year old juvenile when he was arrested in 1998. He was charged with Premeditated First Degree Murder on a victim that a 'sworn' jury 'ACQUITTED Him'. The jury never found him guilty of killing the victim. In fact the jury acquitted himof every 'essential element' to constitute the crime. Yet instead of following state and federal laws when it comes to legally inconsistent verdicts the prosecutor persuaded the judge to find jim guilty as charged and the court adjudicated him guilty as charge despite the judges confusion as to the verdict. Federal and state law requires that verdicts rendered like his 'REQUIRE ACQUITTAL”. He has a life sentence without benefit of parole for a murder he was never convicted of doing. He was wrongfully convicted and railroaded by the state.
Iin 1998, there were a totat of 7 teens who were convicted of murder and prosecuted by the same states attorney, John Aguero. He gave the white teenagers, less then life in which two are already free and the other two will be coming home soon. The three black teens were given life without parole. Why did he feel compassion for the white teen's and not the black teen's?
What I am asking is for immediate release of my husband.

Comment by The Streets Don't Love You Back on December 8, 2012 at 5:00pm

Helen Hardin Moore #767263 2305 Ransom Road. C1 – 6
Mountain View Unit,
Texas. 76528
A brief introduction
– Helen Hardin Moore was accused of murdering her live in boyfriend Casey Roy Elliott by administering a lethal quantity of morphine by a manner & the exact means unknown to the Grand Jury. They also say that she did cause the death of Casey Roy Elliott for remuneration & the promise of remuneration, namely money from the proceeds of insurance insuring the life of the said Casey Roy Elliot, against the peace & dignity of the State.


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