Editor’s note: To celebrate Valentine’s Day, InMaricopa News interviewed six local couples to get their take on what brought them together and what keeps their love strong. For a little longer version of their stories, we focus on one couple each day online through Feb. 14.
Robert and Lucinda Boyd, both 48, have been together for three years.
Robert is founder and CEO of a nonprofit called The Streets Don’t Love You Back, a motivational program to educate young people about the dangers of gangs, drugs and violence.
The former inner-city drug dealer is the author of a book by the same name. Lucinda edited the book and works side by side with Robert operating the program.
Lucinda has lived in Maricopa for 27 years and is a critical-care nurse who also works for Southwest Ambulance. She’s written nine educational brochures.
A friend of theirs set a blind date up over the phone, and they had phone conservations and sent email for a while before they met in person.
Lucinda said Robert became her friend first, then she “fell in love with his personality and the person he was as we got to know each other.”
For Robert it was love from the first phone conversation.
“I called her my queen from Day One, as we would talk on the phone and work all night while she was revising my book,” he said.
Lucinda said she is attracted to Robert’s sense of family, honor, loyalty, respect and sense of humor. “The way he treated me as a woman, like a queen and his voice when he sings to me.”
Robert said, “First of all, she is a very attractive woman with a great head on her shoulders. I saw that she was very smart, a very hard worker, very talented at what she did, and that she wanted something more out of life and was willing to build a foundation with me.”
“There are many things you can do for each other,” she said. “The key being to spend quality time together and have those little spur-of-the-moment surprises — flowers, dinner out, a card, etc. Be thoughtful of each other and thankful for each other.”
Robert added: “Whatever you do, do it together.”
Love and understanding are the keys to a successful relationship, Lucinda said, and “forgiveness and communication. Work together, motivate each other and communicate effectively so you can learn to understand each other’s wants and needs.”
For Robert it is about being comfortable with one’s partner.
“It’s a great feeling when you can be yourself with a person, you get more from each other,” he said
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