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OK... Lets talk about the gang bangin, street thug, drug hustle stuff.....

Ok my bad... So.... clearly it's hard to have a site that is family oriented (G-Rated) and discuss the why The Streets Don't Love You Back. So this website is at the very least PG. This website is an educational tool to educate people about the street life and share real stories of people who lived that life. So bottom line....It should be family oriented meaning that Parent's listen to it first and/or with children later. This street thugin, gang bangin, drug selling, using, abusing, violent senseless killing...... is very real and exists all around us....... It is hard, ugly, dirty, foul, hateful and violent......That is the way it is, like it or not..... so lets understand it and do something about it to educate others and change things. Parent's please listen to the videos and shows and then talk to your children about what they have heard here on The Streets Don't Love You Back Movement Page because if you don't do it, the streets will... if they haven't already. God Bless, Lucinda

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Lucinda, this web-site is very important for not only the parents, but their children and friends! Kids today are a different breed than myself and others, yet they are exactly the same; impressionable, scared, lonely, and basically just in need of a little love and kindness shown to them! The gangs and drug dealers are always going to be there, sometimes a little too close for comfort, but it's a choice that these youngsters are going to have to make themselves. Education/the school system goes only so far, and that is for those who even attend, and let's not kid ourselves about the counselors and social workers who are over-worked, under paid, and just plain sick and tired about seeing good kids get caught up in a terrible situation! Many of these workers, daily express the dangers of joining a gang, selling drugs, and through no fault of their own, the kids don't "hear" the message, they are listening, just not paying it no mind is all. Everyone is quick to blame 'this' or 'that' for our communities' problems, but we are equally responsible. Our children need to understand that the fast life/money is only good for one thing...winding up in prison or the funeral home. They need to learn about having SELF-RESPECT, SELF-LOVE, and MORALS!! This just may show them that gang banging and drug dealing is a road to no-where, maybe not now, but a day, a month, or a year(s) from now! These youths are hard, no doubt about it, but instead of coming at them with a don't do this or that type of mentality, and instead, try to lay a foundation of decencey within them. It's probably going to take awhile, and in some instances, knowing how kids can be, a tiresome and seemingly thankless approach...but, if just one heeds this advice and realizes that he or she is or capable of being a good person/individual, it's a start in the right direction. What is needed is people who have done dirt and discovered that they are better than that and from that moment on, decided to change their lifestyles. Kids must be reached before they are or become "full gang members"; reason being, that leaving a gang is a very difficult chore, which most times ends up with the person in the hospital emergency room or morgue. This just complicates the matter for the youth who wants to leave/quit the gang and all that goes with it, hopefully we are able to reach them before they join, get violated in or do whatever it takes to become a member!

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