Because you have a criminal record, you will be faced with different challenges than the average job seeker. Your record will make your job search more interesting. There is a choice to be made here too. You can do what many ex-offenders do and hope that a prospective employer will not hold your record against you. Another choice is, you can make yourself legitimately competitive in the open employment market by developing the skills and attitudes that will allow you to compete for a job. Can you tell an employer in five minutes or less what you can do and how your skills can benefit him? How is your dress? Do you look like you are going to a club or to hang out with some friends or do you look like a businessman with a product to sell? Do you have definite plan of action that includes of prospective employers to call on? Do you have a resume that outlines you skills, experience or qualifications? If you answered "No" to any one of these questions, you have some work to do.
Step One: Identify your skills. I bet if you really look, you have at least 30 skills that would benefit an employer.
Step Two: Develop a resume that a prospective employer can look at and get an idea of what type of person you are and what you have to offer.
Step Three: Decide what type of work you want to do and how your skills will help you be successful in the field you choose.
Step Four: Develop a list of prospective employers to call on. Get help from friends, relatives, and members of your community to help you get leads for open jobs. That is called "Networking."
Step Five: Get your wardrobe together. The clothing you wear both on your job search and interviews should be neat, clean and professional. Your clothes should say "I am the person for this job!"
Step Six: Practice you interview skills. Anticipate questions and practice answering until your responses sound confident and natural.
One additional choice you must make is to never give up! “You can become anyone you want to be! It doesn’t matter what happened to you or what you’ve done!! What matters is what you do next!”
FACTS: The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world and also the highest rate in its history, with about 753 people per 100,000 incarcerated. Presently, there are more than 40,000 people incarcerated in the state's prison system. In addition, about 10,000 people are incarcerated in the Maricopa County Jail at any given time There are 7 million Americans in custody of various forms There are 2.3 million Americans in prison $28,000 is the average annual cost of one prison inmate Non-violent offenders make up over 60 percent of the prison and jail population. 50% prisoners suffer from mental illness 6.8 million Americans struggle with drug abuse or dependency Over 25% of the American population has a criminal record Over 90% of all prisoners are released back into society 50% is the average national recidivism rate after 3 years 7 times: Employed parolees are 7 times less likely to recidivate 39 times: Parolees with a mentor were found to be 39 times less likely to recidivate Nearly 700,000 people are released from America’s prisons each year. They return to their communities needing housing and jobs, but their prospects are generally bleak. The majority of ex-prisoners have not completed high school. In addition, close to three quarters of them have a history of substance abuse, and more than one third have a physical or mental disability. These former prisoners are going home to some of the nation’s poorest neighborhoods, where they often lack stable social bonds and support networks and where there are few services to help them restart their lives. Given the huge gap between their complex challenges and their limited opportunities for addressing them, it is not surprising that recidivism rates are high. In fact, more than half (52 percent) of former state prisoners are back behind bars within three years after their release, either as a result of a parole violation or because they have committed a new crime. This cycle of recidivism produces many negative consequences. Households that are already fragile become overwhelmed. Communities that are already struggling fall further behind. The lives of those who move in and out of prison are wasted. And the cost to taxpayers is enormous. Overall, the US spends more than $60 billion a year on prisons and jails. (It costs more than $23,000 to incarcerate someone in a Federal Bureau of Prisons facility for one year and approximately $3,500 per year for probation; incarceration in a state prison can run as high as $45,000 per year or more.) Without the development of effective approaches for reducing recidivism, the problem is certain to grow. The number of Americans behind bars has increased steadily and now includes more than 2.1 million men and women. Almost all of them will eventually be released, and, unless something changes, more than half of them will not be successful in reentering their communities and will return to prison. Female offenders are a rapidly growing population at local, state and national levels. In fiscal year 1990, Arizona’s female population totaled 778. By fiscal year 2004, that figure grew 250% to 2,722. National statistics show that Arizona is incarcerating female offenders at a much higher rate than other states. Most of the women are incarcerated for lesser violent crimes than their male counterparts. In fact, approximately 70% of women currently in Arizona prisons were convicted of non-violent crimes. More than 96% of current inmates will be released and returned to the community, usually back to the same environment that propagated the reason for their incarceration. Women have different pathways to crime than men. Substance abuse is a primary factor in much of the crime committed by women. These problems can be directly attributed to a high incidence of sexual abuse, sexual assault and domestic violence victimization which leads them to drugs, thievery, prostitution, extortion and violence. Another important issue is that many of these women are the primary caretakers of dependent children. A study in 2002 by the Arizona Department of Corrections found that 81% of female inmates had children and that 6% were pregnant. Research shows that the absence of a parent has a negative effect on the development of a child. In fact, studies reveal that children of female inmates are six times more likely to enter the criminal justice system than their peers. Arizona Department of Economic Security Contact: Division of Employment and Rehabilitative Services Arizona Workforce Connections Phoenix, AZ Web Site: Information about State Department of Labor resources may be of interest to: • potential employers looking for incentives to hire individuals with criminal histories; • service providers and individuals with criminal histories who are looking for assistance in finding employment; and • researchers and policy makers looking at current programs to ascertain what programs are effective and serve their intended purpose.
A. Federal Bonding Program The Federal Bonding Program provides fidelity bonding insurance coverage to individuals with criminal histories and other high-risk job applicants who are qualified, but fail to get jobs because regular commercial bonding is denied due to their backgrounds. Contact: Employment Administration Arizona Department of Economic Security P.O. Box 6123 Phoenix, AZ 85005 602-542-3957 Fax-602-542-5014 Web Site:
B. Tax Credits The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a federal tax credit to reduce the federal tax liability of private for profit employers to be used as an incentive for employers to hire individuals from eight different targeted groups: TANF recipients, veterans, ex-felons, high risk youth, summer youth, Food Stamp recipients, SSI recipients, and vocational rehabilitation referrals. Contact: Arizona Department of Economic Security WOTC Site Code 734T P.O. Box 6123 Phoenix, AZ 85005 602-542-3957 Fax 602-542-5014 f Web Site:
C. Unemployment Insurance Office Unemployment compensation is a social insurance program designed to provide benefits to most individuals out of work, generally through no fault of their own, for periods between jobs. In order to be eligible for benefits, jobless workers must demonstrate that they have worked, usually measured by amount of wages and/or weeks of work, and must be able and available for work. The unemployment compensation program is based upon federal law, but administered by states under state law. Contact: All Counties 877-600-2722 or TDD 877-877-6226 Department of Economic Security (DES): For ex-offenders, this agency handles employment opportunities (Job Service Division), and manages the Arizona Workforce Connection (see specific telephone numbers for Workforce Connection in above section on Employment/Job Training). The DES also manages the Job Tax Credit Program, which gives an employer a tax credit for hiring an ex-offender. Paperwork for this program can be obtained from a local DES office. There are dozens of DES offices throughout the state and far too many to list individually. Look in the telephone directory for the address and telephone of the nearest office in your town or county or call the office listed above for the location nearest you. DES handles job development, conducts job fairs, provides free typing exams for those seeking clerical work who need official verification of typing speed, provides career assessment testing and even allows employers to interview candidates for jobs at their offices. In addition to the above services, DES administers the Federal Bonding Program, which provides a bond of up to $5,000 to employers wishing to hire an ex-offender in a job that requires bonding. The applicant must have an actual job offer for full-time employment in order to qualify. Contact 602 495-1861, x. 1002 for this service only. DES also offers a Rehabilitation Services Program which includes services such as job coaching, computer training, job retention and coaching techniques, etc. This division specializes in vocational rehab for those with blindness or other visual impairments. Call 602 269-5731, ext. 216 for more information
CRIMINAL RECORD REPOSITORY Criminal Record Repository: Call 602 223-2229 to find out how you can obtain a copy of your Arizona "rap" sheet and learn about the possibility of sealing the record, expunging it or other legal avenues for relief. This is the agency individuals may contact to obtain a copy of their state rap sheet. The criminal record repository can also tell the individual who else is legally entitled to have access to his or her record. Individuals requesting a copy of their criminal record must submit a full set of fingerprints to the address above. A copy of the record will be mailed to the requester or his/her attorney within 30 days. Contact: Arizona Department of Public Safety Criminal History Records Section P.O. Box 18450 Phoenix, AZ 85005
EDUCATION Alternative Schools: 1-800-654-8713 Az. Dept. of Education: 602 542-4361 Frank Gordon Learning Center/Adult Probationers: 602 372-5509 (Free GED Preparation and other services) Maricopa County Skills Center: 602 238-4300 GED Classes Online: 1. 2. 3.
EMPLOYMENT/VOCATIONAL TRAINING DES Job Service: 602 276-5587 Goodwill Industries: 602 254-2222 Job Corp: 602 254-5921 Job Info Hot Line: 602 506-3329 JTPA Job Training: 602 534-3922 or 602 861-0208 Maricopa Skill Center: 602 238-4300 St. Joseph's The Worker: 602 257-4390 Arizona State Vocational Rehab: 602 212-0068 or 602 247-3304 PHOENIX WORKFORCE CONNECTION NUMBERS (602) 262-6776 or visit (602) 861-0208 (9801 N. 7th St) (623) 247-3304 (3406 N. 51st Ave.) (602) 534-4732 (4732 S. Central Avenue) (623) 934-3231 x 228 (Richard Baldwin) Peoria area
OFFICIAL RECORDS/IDENTIFICATION Birth Certificate: 602 255-3260 Draft Registration: 602 267-2343 Driver's License/State ID Card: 602 255-0072 Immigration: 602 258-4353 Social Security Administration: 602 772-1213 Voter Registration: 602 506-1511
OTHER RESOURCES Arizona Women's Education and Employment, Inc. (602) 223-4333 Women's Resource Center/Fresh Start Mentoring Services: Call 602 262-8494. Women Living Free: Call 623 206-2823 Adult Children of Alcoholics: 602 241-6760 Value Options: 602 914-5800 Al Anon: 602 249-1257 Alcoholics Anonymous: 602 264-1341 Cocaine Anonymous: 602 279-3838 DES Family Assistance: 602 495-1308 Narcotics Anonymous: 602 784-4004 Community Legal Services: 602 258-3434 Family Service Agency: (602) 252-0918 Phoenix City Job Line: 602 534-5627 City of Phoenix Clear Path: 602 495-5717 Arizona Dept. of Economic Security (DES): 215 E. McDowell (602) 495-1308 Restoration of Civil Rights -Maricopa County convictions: 602 506-0547 Sex Offender Registration: 602 256-1070 Obtain Copies of Maricopa County Court Papers: 602 506-1155 Lawyer Referral: 602 257-4434 St. Vincent de Paul Ministry to the Incarcerated: (602) 261-6836 At Risk Teenagers-Project Challenge: (480) 988-4100, ext 228 Family Services Agency/Community Reintegration for Ex-Offenders: (602) 252-0918 Veterans Affairs Medical Center: 602 277-5551, ext. 6631. Provides employment referral services to vets who have multiple disabilities, including a felony record. United States Veteran's Service/Career Center: 602 232-2929 or 602 305-8585. Must have served at least one day of active duty in any branch of U.S. service and not have been dishonorably discharged.
Legal Assistance Free or low-cost legal resources, both in civil and criminal law, are helpful to individuals with criminal histories in learning about relevant state laws governing the expungement or sealing of criminal histories or addressing other legal issues resulting from having a criminal history. A. State Public Defender B. Legal Services Contact: Community Justice Assistance Services P.O. Box 56518 Phoenix, AZ 85079 623-878-4100 Fax 623-877-1600 E-Mail: C. State Bar Association Contact: State Bar of Arizona 111 West Monroe, Suite 1800 Phoenix, AZ 85003 602-252-4804 Fax 602-271-4930 E-Mail: Web Site: Community agencies are available to assist individuals with criminal records find employment. This information will inform individuals with criminal records about government agencies and community-based organizations that assist with employment, education or vocational training. Researchers and policy makers may find this information useful in identifying agencies and service providers in order to evaluate the effectiveness of these programs. Arizona One Stop Career Centers- offers a range of services from information about job vacancies, career options, student financial aid. Information on local offices is available at Contact: Arizona Department of Economic Security One Stop Career Center Project P.O. Box 6123, Site Code 901A Phoenix, AZ 85005 602-542-1250 Fax 602-542-2272 Middle Ground Prison Reform, Inc. offers counseling, education, employment readiness training programs, and referrals to social service agencies. 139 East Encanto Drive Tempe, AZ 85281 480-966-8116
"Everyone needs a second chance"!! EX-OFFENDER FRIENDLY COMPANIES.
A number of private and public resource centers enable felons to get the required training and licenses to start a business and make a humble, but rejuvenating start. A number of families are also extending help to such convicts. They enable related felons to become an integral part of existent family businesses. Here is a list of various jobs that ex-felons can hold: Drivers: Felons are being considered for dedicated driving jobs. They are considered for delivery jobs like flower delivery, at moderate salaries and a possibility of salary negotiations. Even though the job keeps a felon consistently on the move, the salaries offer stability and job satisfaction. A fresh leash on life is a morale and fiscal booster. The process of procuring the necessary license from driving schools is similar to that applicable to others. Licenses for driving trucks and other special licenses are not difficult to obtain. Self-employment: Felons are also offered the unique opportunity of starting a business.
Other: Ebay seller, any type of fast food-related job, kitchen help in a restaurant, apprentice for a job such as an electrician or masonry, janitor, maintenance, security guard, Kroger, grocery stores, Conway Trucking, trucking companies, pizza delivery, greenhouse worker, warehouse jobs, UPS, landscaping, construction, building, roofing, day laborer, work-at-home telemarketer, modeling, acting, nonprofit worker, church jobs, factory jobs, — even in management eventually, temp agencies, recycling waste center, trash pickup and trash center, bounty hunter, bakery, food prep and counter work at a deli, courier, apprentice in carpentry, Goodwill, Salvation Army, start your own business– making something, selling something, providing a service. Tips: Large companies will most likely not hire you; small businesses very well might contact independent (not national) recruiters and ask what kinds of checks they do– if they do local checks only, you’re good –now’s a great time to start your own business.
Armed Forces: The US Army and Navy have been accepting a number of ex-felons since 2006. The age limit for joining the army is now 42. It was raised from 35 in the year 2006, in order to encourage more people to apply. In order to join the armed forces, an ex-felon would require a waiver from the Secretary of Defense or his Under Secretary. Commanding General of the MILPERCEN - United States Army Military Personnel Center, generally grants the waivers on behalf of the Secretary. A steady paycheck and good training are some of the benefits of joining the army.
Goodwill: (800) Goodwill If you can’t get to a Goodwill in person or prefer to get a head start from the comfort of your own home, consider taking advantage of our free online career exploration and skills training programs. Job skills and job training.
Salvation Army: The Salvation Army runs a prisoner rehabilitation program that encourages former felons to participate in work-release programs, conducted by the Salvation Army rehabilitation centers and Harbor Light Centers. In case a person has been charged with a minor offense, it might be possible for him to work at the community centers. In addition to providing employment, working for the Salvation Army and serving the community can be a healing and rejuvenating experience in itself. Online Surveys For Money: This is a lucrative option for people who are interested in earning money by participating in home based online surveys. Paid online surveys are conducted by market research companies interested in forecasting and projecting the demand for products and services of their clients. Typically, a large company employs a market research firm for conducting surveys. The latter does not conduct a background check for convictions and felonies, since there is no need for direct contact between the market research firm and the person taking the survey.
Private Firms Interested in WOTC: Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a federal tax credit that is offered to an employer in case he hires an individual convicted of a felony, within a year of conviction or release. Most restaurants make use of this tax credit by hiring ex-felons. Employer's Protected by the Federal Bonding Program: A fidelity bond guarantees protection to the employer during the first 6 months of employing an ex-felon or a person with a high risk profile. It is provided free of cost to the employer and the employee. They need to fulfill certain basic requirements in order to obtain this facility provided under the Federal Bonding Program. Employers protected by fidelity bonds may be willing to hire ex-felons. The state bonding coordinator should be contacted for further details. This is a list of companies that hire felons and ex-convicts AAMCO Transmissions, Abbott Laboratories, Ace Hardware, Alamo Rent a Car, Alaska Airlines, Alberto-Culver, Allied Van Lines, Allstate Insurance Company, America West Airlines, American Airlines, American Express, American greetings, Aon, Apple Inc., Archer Daniels Midland, ARCO, Arthur J. Gallagher & Co., Atlas Van Lines, Avis Rent a Car System, Avon Products, Bally Technologies, Baskin-Robbins, Baxter International, Best Foods, Best Western, BF Goodrich Aerospace, Black & Decker, Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, Boeing, Bridgestone, British Airways, Brunswick Corporation, Budget Rent a Car, Calvin Klein, Campbell Soup Company Canon Inc., Career Education Corporation, Carrier Corporation, Casio, Caterpillar Inc., CDW, Chase, Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Cintas, Coes-Coin, Coldwell Banker, Compaq, ConAgra Foods, Dairy Queen, DAP Products, Deer Park Spring Water, Dell, Del Monte Foods, Delta Air Lines, Delta Faucet Company, Denny's, Dole Food Company, Dollar Rent A Car, Domino's Pizza, Dow Jones & Company, Dunkin' Donuts, Dunlop Tires, DuPont, Duracell, Eddie Bauer, Epson, Equity Office, Exelon, Exxon Mobil, Federal Express, Firestone Tire and Rubber Company First Health Group Corporation, Fortune Brands, Frito-Lay, Fruit of the Loom, Fujifilm, General Electric, General Growth Properties, General Mills, Georgia-Pacific, GMAC Real Estate, Hanes, Aon Hewitt, Hilton Hotels & Resorts, IBM, Illinois Tool Works, Kmart, Kraft Foods, L.A. Times, Macy's, McDonald's, Mobil Oil, Molex, Motorola, Navistar International, The New York Times Newsweek Inc., Niki, NiSource, Northern Trust, Old Republic International, Packaging Corporation of America, Pactiv, PepsiCo, Philip Morris Companies Inc., RR Donnelley, Newell Rubbermaid, Sara Lee Corporation, Sears, ServiceMaster, Dr. Pepper/Seven Up, Shell Oil Company, Showtime Networks, Smurfit-Stone Container, Sony Corporation, Air Southwest, Sprint Corporation, Target Corporation, Telephone and Data Systems, Tellabs, Toys "R" Us, Tribune Media, U.S. Cellular, Uneven Investments, United Airlines, Verizon Communications, W. W. Grainger, Walgreens, Walmart, William Wrigley Jr. Company, Yamaha, Zebra Technologies, Zenith Electronics, Xerox.
How to Create a Great Cover Letter For your resume
A cover letter is the best way to introduce yourself to a potential employer. It tells them a little bit about you, your background, and why you are interested in the position. A great cover letter is going to help you get your foot in the door and give you the best chance at getting a great position. To create a cover letter to go along with your job application, it is helpful to have the right tools at your disposal. If you are very confident in your word processing abilities, you can create your own organized and professional cover letter. However, if you feel like you need some help creating a good outline, use cover letter templates. These templates can be opened in your word processing program, and then you can plug your information directly into the document. A template will have a neat, professional layout already in place for you – but make sure you choose a simple design. Top Cover Letter Tips Your cover letter should always be accurate and professional. Never submit your cover letter without giving it a second look. Check for grammar and spelling errors and make sure you have included all the correct contact information at the top of your letter. You don’t want to miss out on a job opportunity because you accidentally missed a digit in your phone number or spelled your email address wrong! Highlight your skills with carefully selected keywords. These words will jump out at the prospective employer and tell them exactly what your strengths are. Use words that are easily understood and simple, like organized, experienced, and professional. Keep it simple so your cover letter will be easy to read and understand. Many hiring managers are busy and have a lot to go through, so they will appreciate a short and sweet cover letter. Keep the whole thing to one page. The right cover letter will improve your chances of getting noticed. You can stand out from the other applicants if you use the right formatting and keywords. This is your chance to sell the recruiter on your qualifications and skills. This is your sales pitch and the resume is the supporting document. Layout and Contents Your cover letter should be short and simple. Include all of your contact information as well as the recruiter’s contact information. Spell his or her name correctly and include the title if possible. Introduce yourself and state what job you are applying for. Follow this by telling them why you are a good fit for the company – how your skills and experience match the job, their mission, the posting they put out, etc. State what you like about the company and in so doing, show off the research you did on the company. Finish by stating that you look forward to hearing from them.
The National Reentry Resource Center
City of Phoenix Housing: 830 E. Jefferson (602) 534- 2142
Community Housing: 609 N. 9th St. (602) 253-6905
Lutheran Social Ministry: (602) 271-0828
Valley Christian: 1326 W. Hadley St. (602) 258-5163
My 2nd Chance Rental
4150 North 12th Street, Suite A Phoenix, AZ 85014
(602) 393-4400
St. Vincent DePaul: 602 261-6878
Salvation Army Shelters 602 267-4130NOVA 602 528-0758
Maricopa County Homeless Hotline 602 263-8900
Home Base: 602 254-7777
Homeward Bound: 602 263-7654
Homeless Hotline: 602 256-2219
Family Services: 602 267-4122
Domestic Violence Emergency Shelter: 602 263-8900 or 1-800-799-7739
(Emergency Hours: 602 266-6956)
"" and search for apts. or shared rooms that will rent to an ex-felon, you may have some success
Paz de Cristo Community Center: 480 464-2370. Provides assistance to low income and homeless people in the East Valley/Mesa-Tempe area
Andre House: 1002 W. Polk (602) 252-9023
CASS: 1209 W. Madison (602) 256-6945
Church on the Street: 24th St./Filmore (602) 275-2920
Gift of Mary: 1414 S. 17th Avenue (602) 254-8424
Maggie's Place: (602) 257-4648
Phoenix Rescue Mission: 1801 S. 35th Avenue (602) 233-2647
U.M.O.M.: 3320 E. Van Buren St. (602) 275-4533
12th Avenue Retreat: 1236 S. 12th Avenue (602) 272-3662
Andre House: 1002 W. Polk (602) 252-9023
CASS: 1209 W. Madison (602) 256-6945
Church on the Street: 4006 W. Van Buren (602) 447-0259
East Valley Men's Center: (480) 610-6722
House of Refuge: 6909 E. Ursula (480) 988-9242
Phoenix Rescue Mission: 1801 S. 35th Avenue (602) 233-3000
Respite Shelter: 7000 N. Central (602) 870-4353
Streets of Joy: 1202 E. Devonshire (602) 275-4533
US Mission: 1821 E. Avalon Drive (602) 264-7882
The Bridge: 2001 W. Northern Avenue (602) 589-5556
Gift of Mary: 1414 S. 17th Avenue (602) 254-8424
Homeward Bound: 29 W. Thomas (602) 263-7654
Interfaith: (602) 294-0222
Labor's Community: 5818 N. 7th St. (602) 263-5741
La Mesita: 2254 W. Main Street (Mesa) (480) 834-8723
Salvation Army: 2707 E. Van Buren (602) 267-4130
Save the Family: 450 W. 4th Pl #202 (Mesa) (480) 898-0228
U.M.O.M.: 3320 E. Van Buren (602) 275-4533
Vista Colina: 1050 W. Mountain View (602) 944-0960
YWCA: 755 E. Wiletta (602) 268-0990
Youth and Children's Shelters Crisis Nursery: (602) 273-7364
East Valley Child Crisis Center: (480) 969-2308
Home Base: 931 E. Devonshire Avenue (602) 254-7777
Tumbleweed: 4829 N. 37th Avenue (602) 841-5799
Autumn House: (480) 835-5555
Chrysallis: (602) 244-4999
De Colores: (602) 269-1515
Faith House: (623) 939-6798
My Sister's Place: (480) 821-1024
New Life: (623) 932-4404
Salvation Army/Elm House: (602) 267-4111
Sojourner Center: (602) 244-0089
La Posada: 7045 S. Montezuma (602) 243-9711
Ozanam Manor: 1730 E. Monroe (602) 495-3050
Phoenix Shanti: 7000 N. Central Avenue (602) 279-0008
HALFWAY HOUSES (not operated by the State Dept. of Corrections)
Alice's Wonderland: 24 S. Udall (Mesa) (480) 962-8471
Calvary Rehab: 720 E. Montebello (602) 279-1468
Casa de Amigas: 1648 W. Colter (602) 265-9987
Corazon: 3639 W. Lincoln St. (602) 233-9747
Crossroads for Men: 1845 E. Ocotillo (602) 279-2585
Dana Center: 731 W. Dana Avenue (480) 461-1033
Destiny Sober Living: 5306 N. 17th Ave. (602) 249-6675
Guest House: 8910 W. Monroe St. (602) 934-0298
Hope House: 316 N. 11th Way (602) 254-5434
Living Faith: 7514 W. Mitchell (602) 772-7767
NOVA/Maverick: 7022 N 48th Avenue (602) 931-5810
Pelms House: 11773 N. 91st Ave (602) 979-6571
Progress Valley: 4430 N. 23rd Avenue (602) 274-5424
Reborn: 2546 W. Orangewood (602) 433-2382
Sand Dollar: 5049 W. Campbell (623) 247-7877
The Solution: 4210 N. Longview (602) 277-7527
SOS Fellowship: 650 N. 6th Ave. (602) 252-4205
Steps House: 7155 N. 66th Dr/Ste 102 (623) 939-1566
Teen Challenge: 1515 W. Grand Ave. (602) 271-4084
Teen Outreach: 5809 S. 5th St. (602) 323-0226
Another Chance: 1201 W. Madison (602) 256-6933
Ebony House: 6222 S. 13th St. (602) 276-4288
LARC: 2770 E. Van Buren (602) 273-9999
Phoenix Indian Center: 2601 N. 3rd St. (602) 263-1017
Phoenix Rescue Mission: 1801 S. 35th Ave. (602) 233-3000
Project Heart: 1112 E. Washington (602) 256-2688
Andre House: 602 257-4390
Ministry to the Incarcerated & their Families: 602 261-6836St.
Vincent DePaul: 602 254-3338
Interfaith: 743 W. Buchanan St. (602) 254-7450
Lutheran Social Ministries: (602) 271-0828
Salvation Army/Mesa: (480) 834-7777
Andre House: P.M.: 213 S. 11th Avenue (602) 255-0580
Chris Becker: P.M. 9227 N. 10th Avenue (602) 944-0139
Church on the Street: 902 E. McKinley (602) 254-8302
Paz P.M.: 424 W. Broadway/Mesa (480) 464-2370
Phoenix Rescue Mission: 1801 S. 35th Avenue (602) 233-0300
St. Vincent de Paul (lunch): 119 S. 9th Avenue (602) 495-3065
St. Vincent de Paul (lunch): 67 W. Broadway/Mesa (480) 649-0081
Dial-A-Ride: 602 253-4000
Safe Ride: 1-800-797-7433
Tickets to Jobs: 602 534-1250
Work Links: 602 506-3995
Valley Metro Bus Service: 602 253-5000
AHCCCS Indigent Medical: 602 275-3230 or 1-800-654-8713
AIDS Center: 1-800-342-2437
Lions Club Eye Care: 602 267-7573
Family Services: 480 545-9626
Kids Care: 1-877-764-5437
Maricopa County Health Dept. : 602 506-6900
Mental Health Association: 480 994-4407
Tattoo Removal: 602 262-7370 (6862)
X-TATOO (Removal): (602) 534-3121
Urgent Care: 602 222-0444
Poison Control: 1-800-362-0101
Arizona Women's Education and Employment, Inc. (602) 223-4333
Adult Children of Alcoholics: 602 241-6760
Value Options: 602 914-5800
Adult Protective Services 1-877-767-2385
Al Anon: 602 249-1257
Alcoholics Anonymous: 602 264-1341
Child Protective Services: 602 530-1800
Cocaine Anonymous: 602 279-3838
DES Family Assistance: 602 495-1308
Friendly House: 602 257-1870
Help Hotline: 602 273-0786
Narcotics Anonymous: 602 784-4004
Parents Anonymous: 602 248-0428
Community Legal Services: 602 258-3434
Restoration of Civil Rights -Maricopa County convictions: 602 506-0547
Sex Offender Registration: 602 256-1070
Obtain Copies of Maricopa County Court Papers: 602 506-1155
Lawyer Referral: 602 257-4434
Fair Housing: 480 644-3660
Phoenix Workforce Connection: 602 534-5904 or 602 534-6916 Provides job readiness training and some other support services.
St. Vincent de Paul Ministry to the Incarcerated: (602) 261-6836
At Risk Teenagers-Project Challenge: (480) 988-4100, ext 228
Family Services Agency/Community Reintegration for Ex-Offenders: (602) 252-0918
Adult Children of Alcoholics: 602 241-6760
Value Options: 602 914-5800
Adult Protective Services: 1-877-767-2385
Al Anon: 602 249-1257
Alcoholics Anonymous: 602 264-1341
Child Protective Services: 602 530-1800
Cocaine Anonymous: 602 279-3838
DES Family Assistance: 602 495-1308
Friendly House: 602 257-1870
Help Hotline: 602 273-0786
Narcotics Anonymous: 602 784-4004
Parents Anonymous: 602 248-0428
Our Common Welfare: 135 N. Country Club, Mesa, Az. 85201 (480) 733-2688
Women's Resource Center/Fresh Start Mentoring Services: Call 602 262-8494.
Women Living Free: Call 623 206-2823
My 2nd Chance Rental
can be found at:
(602) 393-4400
The Unions will hire electricians, carpenters, iron workers, steamfitters pipe fitters and many others. 2nd Call has classes and Union Reps in the class (310) 608-3721 the mailing address is PO BOX 191476 Los Angeles, CA 90019. Skipp Townsend
Possibly Bing steel in located in Detroit, Mi.
Pinal Energy, Pinal Co. Arizona..... The Egg farm behind Tortosa in Maricopa Arizona.
SaraLee Foods George Jump 401 Bob Huber Drive Alexandria, KY 41001 859 635-8312
Woodlawn Rubber Co ^&* 11268 Williamson Rd Blue Ash, OH 45241 513-489-1718..........
Labor Solutions, Inc Bill Scenault 208 West Liberty Cincinnati, OH 45202 513 723-0033
University of Cincinnati *+ 51 Goodman Drive, Suite 300 Cincinnati, OH 45202 513 556-1225
Frisch's (OH) **** Lamont Taylor 2800 Gilbert Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45206 513 559-5356
Macke Brothers Carissa Tuttle 10355 Spartan Drive Cincinnati, OH 45215 513 771-7500
Messer Construction *** Brooks Parker 5158 Fishwick Drive Cincinnati, OH 45216 513 242-1541
Jostin Concrete Constr. Herbert Smithamin 527 Linton Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45219 513 559-9390
Quebecor World HR 3600 Red Bank Road Cincinnati, OH 45227 513 271-8834
KDM Screen Printing Don Sovino 10450 Medallion Drive Cincinnati, OH 45241 513 569-3500
Trentec, Inc Tiffany Richardson 4600 East Tech Drive Cincinnati, OH 45245 513 528-7900
General Data Company Kim Davis 4354 Ferguson Drive Cincinnati, OH 45254 513 752-7978
Frisch's (KY) **** JoAnne McCarthy 5th & Philadelphia Covington, KY 41011 859 261-3276
Adecco Vonda Baldwin 5 Spiral Drive Florence, KY 41042 859 283-0098
Automatic Gates Plus Connie Coe 10866 State Route 74 Hammersville, OH 45130 937 379-4283
Veritude Online Application www.veritude.comHires for
Fidelity Investment call center. Kroger Stores Store Manager Apply at your local store or the store where you wish to work.
** - Accepts applications through the One-Stop Career Alliance of Northern Kentucky (Covington & Florence offices) only.
*** - applications are valid for 7 days only.
**** - Most Frisch's restaurants ex-offender friendly. Please apply at your local restaurant.
*+- Offenses must be at least 5 years prior
*# - Recruits through CBS Staffing.
^&* only hires ex-felons thru Star Personnel
Also the Cincinnati Airport, Aramark foods and uniforms, Champion windows, Metro aka Sorta (bus company), serta mattress company... Most of these companies get tax breaks for hiring felons!
Truck driving school. I've been a truck driver for 10 years and I know their are plenty of trucking companies willing 2 hire felons! I went 2 truck driving school back in 1999 and their were at 6 to maybe 8 guys with prior records and bits that went on 2 have sucessful careers! Their are certain companies out there willing 2 hire and there are plenty 2 go around!
The Unions will hire electricians, carpenters, iron workers, steam fitters pipe fitters and many others. 2nd Call has classes and Union Reps in the class (310) 608-3721 the mailing address is PO BOX 191476 Los Angeles, CA 90019. Skipp Townsend
Possibly Bing steel in located in Detroit, Mi.
The Federal Bonding Program
The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)
Contact Rob or Lucinda
click on picture below
Are you looking for work? Are you underemployed? Do you need to prep for an upcoming job interview? Better yet do you need help creating a resume? Well you are in luck! Today is the soft opening of my brand new Goodwill Career Center located at 2702 E. Washington st. All services are FREE and open to the public. Come visit me I'll be here from 830am-1230pm. Please share with your networks! #PuttingPeopleBack2Work
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Posted by Lucinda F. Boyd on August 5, 2022 at 1:30pm 0 Comments 1 Like
Posted by Lucinda F. Boyd on August 5, 2022 at 1:30am 0 Comments 1 Like
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