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Maurice D Muhammad's Blog (5)

Our Assignment (the resurrection of the mentally dead Black Man and Woman) will require the Nature, Skills and Mentality of a Warrior.

Our assignment will move us from one battle to another. Adversity is inevitable our enemy observes all progress. God will mentor us in warfare. The scriptures says “He trains my hands for battle; he strengthens my arm to draw a bronze bow.” Psalm 18; 34 “Praise the Lord, who is my rock. He trains my hands for war and gives my fingers skill for battle.” Psalm 144:1.

A warrior only uses the weapons that never failed him. David rejects the weapons of other while fighting Goliath.



Added by Maurice D Muhammad on July 9, 2012 at 11:01am — No Comments

Our Demonstration of Love for the New Year by Minister Louis Farrakhan

In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful.

The first day of the New Year should be a day of reflection, a day of prayer, a day of praise and thanks that we were blessed to make it through the last year, because there are so many of those that we know, those that we love, who started the New Year with us last year, but did not know that it would be the beginning of their last year on this Earth. So when we are fortunate to be alive to see an old year go out, and a new year…


Added by Maurice D Muhammad on January 21, 2012 at 11:25am — No Comments

How do I know I am assigned to a people, How do I know my mission is the resurrection of Black People?

How do I know I am assigned to a people, How do I know my mission is the resurrection of Black People?

When you are assigned to a people, you will feel their pain when they hurt.

When you are assigned to a people, you will rejoice when they rejoice.

When you are assigned to a people, God will fill you with the correct wisdom to meet their needs.

When you are assigned to a people, you will have uncommon patience towards them.

When you are assigned to a…


Added by Maurice D Muhammad on January 13, 2012 at 1:36pm — No Comments

Satan Does Not React To You Alone, But To Our Assignment!

Satan Does Not React To You Alone, But To Our Assignment!

This is the Resurrection of the Mentally Dead Black Man and Woman in North America and Throughout the World.

Our Assignment is more apparent to Satan than you may realize. We must understand that our assignment is a threat to his world and what he has plans for in his world. Don’t you ever think that Satan has selected only you to be destroyed he desires to destroy all whose obedience is…


Added by Maurice D Muhammad on January 13, 2012 at 1:33pm — No Comments

Lord grant me the courage to change the things I can, this is our road map to freedom by our hands and God's Blessings

"We are at war! Our survival as a people is at stake. We all are going to be tested in this autumn. America is living on borrowed time. Time for talk is over! To be free sacrifice must be made! Blood must flow if we are to be free." Minister Louis Farrakhan

The masses of our people are on a Death March into the oven of social deterioration, broken homes, broken marriages, broken minds, broken spirit, evolving from a string of broken promises by government and leadership that has…


Added by Maurice D Muhammad on January 13, 2012 at 1:26pm — No Comments



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