Change is the most wishful word in the English language. It evoke feeling of hope. Strong possibilities and endless opportunities. You know, "the silver lining in the sky," change does not exist. It's simply another tooth fairy "leave-the-tooth-under-the-pillow" and hope for a gift hoax.
Even you, yeah you, reading this paper right now, cannot change! You can not be a better parent or shed that extra weight or change your attitude. You are who you were ten, fifteen, and twenty years ago and you are doomed to continue on the same course of action until your death.
What’s wrong? Does it hurt to feel insulted??? Well, join the club, This is the same line of gibberish teenagers all over the United States of America are being brain washed with; because of bad choices made during their adolescence. Walk into any juvenile courtroom and you will hear the judge give society this story about how some kid is a disgrace to the community and need to be banned for the rest of his or her young life.
Please don't get me wrong, this is not a call for readily made excuses for negative behavior patterns, it's a cry for help. It is time for society as a whole to became aware and take control of the punishing of our children.
Unless we are going to accept the notion that's being politicized by judges, district attorneys, and politicians that juvenile offenders are doomed for failure and should receive the harshest penalties for first-time offenses. As if the juvenile is exempt from the change that comes with maturity.
These same juveniles are from our communities and upon release will return back to our communities. Now is our chance to take control of the type of adults that will be returning. Join the fight, right now! There are organizations that are laying ground work for a plan to better rehabilitate the children of America. Please go to: http:www.prisonforum and click on juvenile page. Give your input and offer your support. The future should be in our hands.
4 Elements Of Consciousness
Use what you have before, you have not. Supplies of "I TRY" are plentiful. So keep trying, while the rest of the world is doing what you can't. Life is passing join it or be left behind No one will miss you, someone Might remember you, P1""1 not anyone will trade places with you.
We are living... how about you? Has the stress of the world choked the life from your spirit. Broken you down to a meaningless existence. Break free from the burdens that hunt you. No one can save you, but you. The choice is all yours. If you fail, you fail because of you. If you rise to the challenge and win, you win because of you. This fight is all yours, use your four elements. There are few that understand how vital they are, in the game of survival.
Element 1 :
Be aware. This go beyond the three senses, look, listen, and learn. This element challenge the intellect and force one to see, what is not shown; hear what is not said; and understand the unquestioned riddle. This is done by understanding that the human being is a being of the circle effect. The circle effect is the action to the cause and effects of life. There is a high percentage of humans that react the same, to the same cause that effect the behavior. When one is mad, one ball up their face, when one is happy, one smile and so on. The face tells all, the eyes don't know how to keep a secret, and the impulse(VERBAL OR PHYSICAL)is no liar.Humans are all wired
in the same way. "know yourself an: you'll know all.
Element 2:
Silence. Only in the darkness of quietness, is one able to surface the answers, that will manifest the self clearly. If we allow our mind to run wild, our words and actions will mirror the image of our inner self. Educate the self to shut up, point blank. If one can't control their mind, how will one be able to control their out come.
Element 3
The honey effect.Have you ever tried to quickly pour honey from a jar? If you said yes, you have burned off energy that could have been used else where. One has to allow the honey to slowly creep out the of the jar and onto the object of choice. One have to master the honey effect, this is done by thinking before you speak. Allow your works to slowly slide from your mind and analyze each one as it creeps to your mouth and out the lips. A well thought out sentence is worth the world in gold. And can keep one out of a sticky situation, that can leave them stung. them stung.
Element 4:
Store and evaluate. Create a storage space, in your mind for useful conversation. Once you have stored them you are able to evaluate them, and see when and where you allowed a
conversation opportunity to pass you by. By using this element, one is able to mentally encourage themself to speak up when the time is right. And it allows one to become mentally stronger. So when a debate is thrown at you,you are able to counter more effectively. By evaluating our past, we are able to alter our future. Life is a game that is won by the hungry. Every moment is a chance to excel above the rest. Who we are isn’t what matters, but what we become is the important thing.
If you didn't come to play hard, then go home, watch from the sidelines, or die with the rest of them. Are you intelli
gent enough to win. The war has moved beyond the physical world. The battle field lay within the minds of the human beings. It's all about the power of the mind. Use it, or lose it. Period!!!
MY Appeal
I appeal to you, not the form, or the character of the individual, but the conscious mind of men. We have been placed in a rut. A rut of 2nd guessing ourselves. 9x'S out of 10 we are blessed to want to do more, be more!!! But we allow ourselves to be 2nd guessed by our doubting minds. That part of us that feel like we can’t won’t shouldn’t and can never be better. It's in our nature to seek to be better than yesterday.
Allow your power, to be great, to break free from the monster of 2nd guessing. I call to you INTELLECTUAL SELF, rise up RISE-UP, RISE-UP!!! The time for action is upon us and change of the level self is now. It's time to stop just being good and be the best, stop being average and step into the shoes of greatness. It's us who have sold outselves short, and only the man in the mirror can help you.
The moment of truth is now, the fight is in our own backyard, every last one of us. Clear house or allow it to collapse. We’re man enough to fight each other, man enough to take from each other, man enough to break the law (MAN MADE, SELF MADE AND ALLAH MADE). I ask you this? Are we man enough to defeat our self? To hear that insight from our intellectual self and utilize it? change will come, it's who you are when it get here that is most important.
CONTROL YOURSELF OR SOME ONE ELSE WILL Is one of the building block statement of personal control. Personal control is the ability to take charge of self on a daily basis. Without giving up any part of our self to any one. When we allow any one to control our actions and/or reactions, no matter if the’re emotional or physical, we have giving them free reign over out personal control.
One must be able to take charge of their emotions at any given time. One can't allow them to be manipulated at the free will of others. Even one slip can cause one to lose the game. In life their are no second chances. We live in a world, where everything that we do watched, noted, and exploited for the amusement or benefit of others. One can't allow anyone to take the wheel and steer their life in any direction, that pleases them. One either takes ahold of the wheel of life, and control them self mentally and physically or the puppeteer will do it for you.
One should never allow themself to lose focus, of their personal control. A second of lost focus can 1ead one down the road of being second in command their lives.
Control is given, not taken. NO one can control anyone without them allowing them to. Take control of yourself, before someone else doses. Personal control is a obligation, that the foolish ignore.
There is this group of monkeys that live deep within the jungle, by a stream that emits steam. Naturally the monkeys came to the conclusion, that the water was dangerously hot. Until one day. One of the monkeys decided to pause on the bank of the stream and examine the piece of fruit that it just picked. When suddenly the monkey lost it's grip of the fruit and, it dropped into the stream. Without thinking about the hot water, the monkey quickly reached the water and retrieved the fruit. Upon doing so the moa^y realized that the water wasn't hot as it had thought. It was cool and perfect for cleaning food, and proceeded to do so. The other monkeys seen this and watched in amazement. One by one they slow approached the stream and placed their hand within the water.
within this story there are two important factors, knowledge and wisdom. At first glance the degrees of separation between these words, are hard to see. But a brief look into them will allow one to see there similarities as well as differences. Knowledge is defined by the webster dictionary as: Understanding acquired through experience. This is a process of learning that the monkey went through, by a set of circumstances that pushed the monkey's survival instinct in to play. To starve or eat was it's only choices. Which lead to the monkey to acquire the informationthat the water was cool, and not hot as it first believed.
Wisdom is defined as: Insightful understanding: what is true, right or enduring. Which is the process, that the rest of the monkeys elevated to. After watching the monkey wash its food in the water knowledge and wisdom are bonded by the links of education. This process of learning is more closely connected with knowledge. But the most widely used form of it is wisdom. So in closing a knowledgeable man learns from experiences And a wise man learns from others experiences.
Will: control exercised, over oneself: self-discipline. Within life many of us fail to acknowledge our ability, to have the option of choice. Some either think that we have full power or none at all. The former thought process is for the foolish minds, and the latter one is considered as extreme, depending on the situation that it is applied to. Within the middle standing of intellegence, one must exercise a level of understanding between these two thought patterns. Which will in turn bring one to a realization of an ability of a limited will. Which is a more logical mind set.
Lets take a look at the logical and illogical approach of these three types of wills.
The ability of full power of will, is as smart as fish flavored ice. Let us use the air of rational for a second. Humankind been given full power of will, just imagine the chaos that would run rampant within the world. Every foolish wish and desire can be materialize at our every thought. Think of how many people that we have wished death upon through out our lives. How many people would you have foolishly wished dead and for what reason?
So with the irrational minds of the human being in mind, do the ability of full power of will, still sound logical?
The idea of mankind having no free will is more on track, than the above thought process. But even this leval of thinking is too far to the right. Yes in certain areas of human we have no control. To name a few, our birth, our death, our amount of s sustenance we'll acquire during our life. If one need further explanation why these areas have been taken out of our free will, please refer back to the beginning of this paper. The most intelligent view is that we as humans are given a limited free will. This is given only to show us our growth or lack there of.
So in layman terms, not giving mankiind full free will is in reality saving us from ourselves, and allowing us a limited free will is allowing us to have a taste of responsibility over our lives. Without leaving us void of Guidance.
FORMULATED BY Shareef Williams
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