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You have heard the saying, "Life in prison without the possibility of Parole".This is an incorrect way of saying it. No, the proper term to use is "Death in prison without the possibility of reaching your goals.”
When you speak of life,I see it a whole lot differently then most.Life consist of hope, freedom, space , joy, fullfillment,and satisfaction.These are the things of life. Life opens up doors, opportunity,you are able to be someone.There is a chance in life,although restricted there is no restrictions.Again opportunity to be whatever you want to be,having that chance.To have an investment in your natural abilities,your God giving talents.

When I speak of life what also comes to mind is freedom.In life you have a freedom,freedom to express yourself without any consequence. Freedom is to live how you choose to live.Not a freedom to do whatever you want to do no matter who gets hurt.But a freedom to be in love with someone,to really care if they are hurting.This freedom is not stifled by rules that utterly disregard the human physique.Where the natural senses are controlled by unnatural senseless people. With a new respect you are able to taste what is good.To enjoy the flavors of what life has to offer.
To smell,that which smell good to the central of your nerve system.To touch the very essence of what this freedom is all about,Life.Whether it be a plant,a dream,a new born baby,a beautiful women,or whatever it maybe.To hear a song,a word of encouragement.A simple I love you,or what about children playing outside,the sound of her heart beat as you both lay together.Yes this is life,to see those things which at one point you were blinded to.Love,respect family,marriage,to care,to have compassion,and understanding.

This is freedom,this is what life is all about,But where I'm at is death.I received death in prison.To live under the dictates of those who doesn't even believe in my life concept.Those whom are so caught up in trying to prove that I am the criminal,that they,themselves have failed to see there own criminal mental and emotional behaviors.Death in prison,there is no enjoyment watching second by second,minute by minute,hour by hour,day by day,week by week,month by month,and year by year going by and you can’t help but think,"I'm" dying.My dreams of ever being what I wanted to be is slowly wasting away.

This is a superficial reality,what seems to be never is.You have no more chances,you cant go to the beach,you cant watch movies with your family.You know the little things,there is no dream job here.In all actuality you no longer live.You just merely exists.So there really is no such thing as life in prison.There is however death.Death of your hopes,death of your dreams,even the harsh reality of losing family members.This is not living,although you may have to settle or some how condition your mind for acceptance.This is not living! do not have life in prison,no I have death by incarceration.

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