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Rick Ross Category: articlePosted: 2009-07-04 12:14 Freeway Ricky is a big name in the drug world. The dude is straight gangsta. He's been profiled on BET's American Gangster series, was the subject…

Rick Ross

Category: article
Posted: 2009-07-04 12:14

Freeway Ricky is a big name in the drug world. The dude is straight gangsta. He's been profiled on BET's American Gangster series, was the subject of numerous street DVD's and has appeared on several magazine covers like As Is and All Hoods. The dude is a bonifide ghetto superstar. Ready to hit the streets and get into the entertainment world Freeway Ricky is also trying his hand at the book game. Dope game, been there. Street legend, done that. Prison
celebrity, check. Urban lit author, add that to the list. Freeway Ricky’s
resume is on blast. The dude is multitasking and he's becoming a multimedia icon. Check out his new novel Black Scarface that he wrote with acclaimed street lit author and Philly rapper Jimmy Da Saint. Also check out Freeway Ricky’s social networking website, Here is what’s going on with Freeway Ricky Ross right now. And we aren't talking about that fake ass officer
Ricky, the studio gangsta. We are talking about the street legend and certified LA gangsta. Straight out of federal prison Gorilla Convict brings you the exclusive.

How did Black Scarface come about?

Jimmy had just got out of the hole, had a note from a guy that owed me some money. Jimmy is a very smart dude, who's always looking for angles, but at that time he wanted to help me. He asked me why didn't I have a novel out. I told him I really wasn't interested in doing novels. He had like 30 written, so he offered me one. I told him that I just didn't want to put my name on anything and that's when he came up with the idea of us writing together.

How instrumental were you in the writing and publishing of it?

I help create scenes. The story is based on both of our lives and things that we've experienced and seen in our lives. We'll be publishing it through Jim's company but Ill be there right with him every step of the way.

What is it about?

It's about a mother's love for her son, who's determined to see him be successful. And a young man that refuses to loose.

Can we say it's the Rick Ross story fictionalized? Why?

No, I won't say that it's the Rick Ross story fictionalized, Even though it does relate. Jim and I fought on a lot of issues. Even though he's my man we clashed on a lot of issues. And since there is no question that Jim is a better writer than I. I used to let him win.

What other plans do you have as an author?

At the present time I'm finishing up my autobiography. Jimmy is also helping me with that. Along with Kwame the author of Dutch. Monique Hall and Barbara the editor of Dutch 1, 2 and 3. I put together what I feel is a dream team. I plan on taking readers through a step by step journey of how a tennis player who was anti-drug one day became a drug dealer the next.

What else is going on?

I have a deal set up where I can do mutliple movies as well as starting my record label, video games and books. My website is starting to take on a life of it's own. We've already started filming a reality show. Man, it's off the charts. I feel like the luckiest man in the world.

Anything else?

Yeah, man, I just want to tell everybody out there what's up. All you have to do is put your mind to it and you can do it. It's wide open. Make sure yall check out the website. I'll be doing major moves off of it. So become a member of this new movement. Also check out Young Bucks new CD with Bigger Ranking. It's off the charts. Also I'm still looking for artists to kick label off.

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