Here comes Valentine's Day to remind those of us who are dateless that we are truly alone... Or are we? If you find yourself single this Valentine’s Day holiday, do not succumb to feeling down in the dumps about your status. Let us face it—some of one’s greatest improvements and periods of growth occur while being single and free of the drama and distractions of dating. All of us at one time or another have spent at least one Valentine's Day in our past, or will in the future, without a date- no chocolates, no roses, no I Love You's. We all can relate. It can be a wonderful and romantic day, but it should never be depressing. Not everyone has someone special to spend this day with. If that describes you and you find yourself alone, don't get down...get Celebrating the day! Enjoy the day remembering that being alone is just a state of mind.
For those that are Single or Alone whether by choice or by circumstance Valentine's Day is not just about romantic love for it's a celebration of love in all that comes in many forms. Keep your spirits high by being happy within yourself regardless of your relationship status. Spend the day letting your family, friends, others who support uplift and encourage your life and even pets know how much you love, care and cherish them. Your generous heart will brighten someone else's Valentine's Day. It will help you to be grateful for all the true love in your life and not just the temporary hype of Valentine's Day love. For LOVE is meant to be shared spoken and shown all year around.
It is far more important to recognize your value as a friend and a partner, to develop your own talents and skills and to love yourself before you can love another and be an equal partner in a future relationship. You do not need to be loved, not at the cost of yourself. The single relationship that is truly central and crucial in a life is the relationship to the self. Of all the people you will know in a lifetime, you are the only one you will never lose. He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened....Meaning being single allows each of time to explore your talents, passions, skills, friendships, hobbies and, in other words, to become enlightened of self.
Valentine's Day is the perfect time to do something special and decadent for YOU, to be spoiled and it doesn't require another person to do the spoiling. Grab a friend or two, take a trip, enjoy a happy hour, try something new, and above all, bring your focus back to the true meaning of this holiday—to show others you love and care about them. Nothing is more rewarding than taking the focus from yourself and doing a good deed for a stranger, calling or visiting someone who is lonely, or simply telling a good friend you are grateful to have him or her in your life. Remember this, that there are plenty of people who do don't even have a love, friendships, mates, home, food, good health, freedom, and other essentials. Think of doing something special for one of them.
Love is something that should be celebrated no matter what one’s romantic status is on February 14th. Everyone can have an enjoyable holiday, whether they spend it with new friends, old friends, or alone. Rather than feeling down on Valentine's Day, celebrate the strengths and achievements that testify to you being a whole and healthy person, a person who has space for love should it come along but who does not need such a relationship to create self-worth and happiness right now. Because you don't need to be in a relationship to celebrate life. Love the life you're living and don't live for love. Use Valentine's Day as a reminder to spend the rest of the year letting people know how much they mean to you.
Know this when the time is right and God is ready to send you that perfect mate the He created just for you...Believe me He will! So say to yourself: Yes, I am Single, I am Sassy, I am Beautiful and I am Definitely Satisfied and I Love Me! Celebrate You! And in case no one tells you...let me remind you...You are an AMAZING FANTASTIC WONDERFUL UNIQUE individual just as you are! And YOU are Loved. Embrace it, On it and Remember it!
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Posted by Lucinda F. Boyd on September 26, 2022 at 3:25pm 0 Comments 1 Like
Posted by Lucinda F. Boyd on August 5, 2022 at 3:52pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Lucinda F. Boyd on August 5, 2022 at 1:30pm 0 Comments 1 Like
Posted by Lucinda F. Boyd on August 5, 2022 at 1:30am 0 Comments 1 Like
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