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Krystal’s Story

Krystal* had been with her partner for five years. Over time, he manipulated her, isolated her from friends and family, and became extremely abusive. She had no one to turn to for support in this scary and seemingly hopeless time. She made multiple efforts to leave the relationship, but was unable to permanently escape. Krystal’s physical and emotional abuser was also the father of her baby.

One day, Krystal experienced a nearly fatal attack at the hands of her abuser. If her young daughter had not called 911, Krystal may not have survived. Her abuser was charged with attempted murder and incarcerated. Although Krystal felt temporarily safe knowing her abuser was in prison, she knew she would still have to interact with him because of the young child they shared.

Initially, she was so intimidated by her abuser and his attorney that she considered agreeing to joint legal custody and allowing the child to visit him in jail. When the Women Against Abuse Legal Center (link to Legal Center info page) got involved in the case, they explained the concept of legal custody to Krystal and talked to her about her legal options. Krystal realized that she could take action against her abuser, and received attorney representation from Women Against Abuse.

Winning the custody battle was far from easy. Krystal’s abuser refused to give up his rights to the child. Krystal and her attorney were forced to fight tirelessly for their safety through numerous court hearings. Finally, after a trial, the judge denied the abuser’s requests to have contact with the child.

With the knowledge and support of Women Against Abuse staff, Krystal was able to secure a safe future for herself and her child.

*Client’s name has been changed to preserve confidentiality

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