Just a little 'I LOVE YOU" to bring a smile to your faces & to get you though your day while remembering to spread LOVE everywhere you go too all whom crosses your path with a Smile Word Hug Wink Text Email Phone Call Picture Song Tweet! Carve your name on Hearts by giving the Gift & the Blessings of Your & Light of Love.
Everyone needs words & actions of encouragement NOW in their life in someway. May each of your lives be filled with the Miracles of Blessings as you walk your path each day give. Healing too all those who are feeling....Sick Pain Lonely Weary Separated Hurt Lost Abused Confused Betrayed FedUp Tired Unloved Unwanted Forgotten....Know that you are not alone for there are so many who are experiencing what you are experiencing and it is so necessary to Believe that Love Strength Courage and the Caring Hand of God is ALWAYS there to supply ALL your needs. Never Give Up Faith Belief Hope. There is no problem circumstance or situation greater than God. Try turning your tragedy into Triumph. Remember you can control your Outlook because God is control of your Outcome!
It is LOVE in action...by spreading LOVE everywhere you go to all who crosses your path gives the message that EVERYONES life means something too somebody else. We all have been blessed by God to share words & actions of encouragement to uplift encourage & support lives, for LOVE can make a Big Difference to a hurting lonely lost unloved heart. Be the difference one life may need! SPREAD THE LOVE PLEASE and PASS this message Forward to someone you feel may need to be Uplifted!
SEE All People Clearly don't wear blinders when someone is showing YOU what they are truly About BELIEVE THEM. Never thinking so little of Yourself that YOU give Yourself Heart Love World to someone & they have Not Proven themselves Worthy too YOU. Think about this very hard: Do the Words of the people in your life Match Uptoo their ACTIONS~if not LET GO because this person may not be Worthy of YOU & all you have too offer. NEVER Allow ANYONE TOO Be A Priority In Your Life While Allowing Yourself TOO Only Be An Option In Theirs. For Life is Too Short & Time is Too Precious~YOU are a Priority & never Cheat yourself out of having the Best life has to offer...Never Settle! Value YOURSELF!
Waste not fresh tears over old griefs & surely don't let your yesterdays use up to much of your todays! Don't let old pains & hurt fear insecurities people memories situations & what-if's from the past steal your Blessings in the Present or your Future. You can't see your Blessings if you continuously remain looking at the problem..Heal the Past Live the Present & Dream the Future.
There is NEVER any need to Pretend for when you LIE about who you are or what you really believe you reinforce the idea that you need to pretend to be someone else or that you are not fundamentally "good enough". LIES Destroy & the Truth never needs NO Rehearsal! JUST KEEP IT REAL by being Honest & by being who you truly are!
Its time for a CHANGE if you DO what you've always DONE you will get what you've always Gotten so its time too DO things you NEVER DID too get things you NEVER HAD. While ALWAYS maintaining a "CAN DO" attitude, making it a priority too do all the good you can by all the means you can in all the ways you can for as long as you can! Letting Go is one of the hardest lessons in life we have to learn. Sometimes we have to Let Go of Situations Things Memories People to have the BEST Life has to offer. When people can walk away from YOU Let Them Walk & move on for they were not meant for YOU & its their lose! Leaving behind your old self & the past & taking a leap of faith into the unknown might just reveal what YOU & your life are truly capable of becoming. For All things are POSSIBLE when u put God 1st!
Take the Time too Put on Gods Armor by putting God 1st in Everything you do while Healing the Past Living the Present Dreaming the Future as YOU Live Act Think & Speak your Best daily as its the preparation for all your tomorrows for good times bcome good memories bad times bcome good lessons. Remembering Friends Strengthens YOU with Prayers Blesses YOU with Love Encourages YOU with Hope!
With Faith Trust & Belief God will Make a Way where there seems to be no way. He works in ways we cannot see for He will make a way for each of us. He will be our Guide holding us closely by His side with Love Protection & Strength for each new day. He will do something new for you if you just Believe.
Be Blessed & Be a Blessing too Others. Don’t be hypnotized by appearances possessions & status not all blessings look like happy events at first glance but they absolutely positively come bearing gifts. When you wish someone joy you wish them peace love health prosperity happiness…all the good things for out of difficulties grow miracles. Bless a thing or person & it or they will bless you.
Today is the First day of the rest of YOUR life! Go where you are Received. Go where your Mind Body Spirit & Soul are being fed Mentally Spiritually Emotionally & Physically. Go where you hear voices of Truth Encouragement & Positivity. Wherever you go be sure you are Respected Honored & Celebrated & not just Tolerated.
God we All come before you with a humble hearts. We humbly beseech you too send 4th your Angles with Prayers of Love Good Health & Healing too EVERYONE suffering ANY type of Illness & Pain or anyone who is suffering from the feelings of being Lonely Weary Separated Hurt Lost Abused Confused Betrayed FedUp Tired Unloved Unwanted Forgotten. Our thoughts & prayers for others are Established & Rooted in Unconditional Love. Please give Support too ALL for this could be YOU or someone you Love!
Jesus, the healer of our brokenness.
Jesus Christ is the solution to our problems.
The Answer to our question.
The "I Am" to our trying to be.
The Strength in our struggles.
The Healer of our brokenness.
The Forgiver of our sins.
The Restorer of what we've lost.
Jesus, the healer of our brokenness.
"Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve me against the wrath of my enemies; you stretch out your hand, and your right hand delivers me. The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me." Psalm 138:7-8
Pray for Others as YOU would want them too Pray for YOU and GIVE LOVE too others as YOU would want them too GIVE LOVE too YOU! Relationships Strengthens you with Prayers, Blesses you with Love & Encourages you with Hope! Appreciate Cherish & Celebrate your Relationships.
Remember: For All things are POSSIBLE when u put God 1st!
In care ANY OF YOU Forgot: Let me remind you..From My heart too yours & here's a BIG HUG if you need it, I LOVE U & I APPRECIATE each of U for being in my life as my friend whether you are near or far in my eyes YOU are a WONDERFUL AMAZING BLESSING 2TOO ME (MzGloria)!
I RESPECT HONOR SUPPORT LOVE & CELEBRATE EACH OF YOU KINGS & QUEENS.... PLEASE take the time too UPLIFT INSPIRE & ENCOURAGE SOMEONE ELSE. Give a HUG for no reason~Say "I LOVE U" just because~Give Kindness too a Stranger & Be Inspired enough too talk Love Peace Kindness Forgiveness Blessings Health Happiness & Prosperity too Every Person YOU Meet. Tell ALL what they mean too you...don't let fear rejection ego pride or stubbornness keep you from sharing what is in your heart! For the Beauty of a EVERYONE is not in their Looks Possessions or Bank Account but
True Beauty of All is Reflected in the Soul.
For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For poise walk with knowledge and self-esteem.
To strengthen your arms touch someone with your love.
To strengthen your heart, forgive yourself and others.
To improve your ears listen to the word of God.
To lose weight let go of stress hatred anger discontentment & the need to control others.
It is the caring that a heart lovingly gives, the passion that we lovingly show the kindness that is lovingly spoken.
For the beauty of a anyone is not in their looks, possessions or status but True beauty of All is Reflected in their soul.
Cherish the Uniqueness of YOU for BEAUTY of US ALL is God's handwriting & He has written on EACH & EVERYONE us no matter our SIZES SHAPES GENDER COLOR or SCARS. From Head To Toe...LOVE YOURSELF COMPLETELY! We All need to STOP allowing the messages from the media & others people's opinions to play a major role in how we are feeling about ourselves. You are truly BEAUTIFUL or HANDSOME just as you are! BELIEVE IT!
Let NO NE ever come too YOU without leaving Loved, Uplifted, Cared Forand Happier. Be the living expression of Gods Kindness in your Face Eyes Smiles Words Touches for YOU may never no when Little deeds of Kindness Little words of Love will make a Life Changing difference to a Strangers Loved Ones or Friends!
Respect Love Appreciate Cherish Celebrate ALL Friendships! I am SPREADING MY LOVE too Each and EVERYONE Daily!
Posted by Lucinda F. Boyd on August 9, 2022 at 5:36pm 0 Comments 2 Likes
Posted by Lucinda F. Boyd on September 26, 2022 at 3:25pm 0 Comments 1 Like
Posted by Lucinda F. Boyd on August 5, 2022 at 3:52pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Lucinda F. Boyd on August 5, 2022 at 1:30pm 0 Comments 1 Like
Posted by Lucinda F. Boyd on August 5, 2022 at 1:30am 0 Comments 1 Like
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