Stay Focus!
That was a message given to me by someone whom I communicate with daily through email, and a person I have grown to respect. His name is Robert Boyd Jr and he has a few things going on to help people and do God's work in the world. "A very cruel world!" His site is and he has a radio show online at That was a message that he sent to me "stay focus." As everyone knows, I am incarcerated and I have been incarcerated for 19 years now, and I am projected to be released in a little over 16 months. I have had many ups and downs during my tenure in prison. It is very hard and stressful and I have seen the pill line increase from around 8 people on average back in 1994 when I was incarcerated. To nearly 200 standing in pill line to get some form of medication to help them deal with this situation and the time that they face. How does a man or woman deal with receiving a life sentence for drugs that were never brought into the courtroom as evidence? It was just merely stated by a witness who is helping the feds so that they can receive a lighter sentence and the ignorant jury that they select mostly from the suburbs believe these people who testify for the goverment. How does a woman deal with receiving 20 years for a small amount of crack that may or may not have been hers, and could have been her boyfriends, and lose custody and precious time in the lives of her children? So the pill line is getting longer, and the hurt becoming more and more unbearable. And yet what Robert told me was so true and in fact it is the key to the problems that many of us face, "stay focus." It is not easy. On this end I can call someone and they will answer and maybe irritated by something that has nothing to do with me and take it out on me, or take it out on someone in their home or at their place of work. Not truly understanding that we all have problems and issues that we are dealing with and no one is alone or exempt from dealing with issues. It is how we deal with them that will determine how the future will turn out for us and for those that we deal with on a daily basis. Right now Joanne my partner in Is really going through a hurtful time in her life, because she lost her daughter a little over two months ago to a fatal car crash. I spoke with her t and she sounded so bad and I mean I have never heard this woman sound like that before, out of the entire time that I have known her. She has always been there for me, and she has had her issues even before this lost of her daughter (Re-Re, the one you see when you come on our site). Yet she never lashed out at me when I called her or ignored a call from me or got irritated with me, because I am a cheerful person when I communicate with people, and some people cannot understand my cheerfulness because of the cruel world that we live in. It is suppose to be a world filled with people with attitudes. I believe that is why me and Robert communicate so well as well, because he is in the world with a cheerful attitude despite his issues. Yet Joanne never came at me with an attitude and I love her so much that that love is in my bones. She is not just my best friend but she is my family. Yet I feel so helpless especially after hearing her voice I am at a lost with what to do to help her. Then I thought of the message that Robert had sent me, and I told myself that I would ask for help in my helping her feel better. So I am asking you for help. How you ask me? We have a section on called "the guestbook" section where you can go and leave a comment or message. I would like you to go to this section and give Joanne a kind word or even a kind thought or word of inspiration. I don't truly know what it will do for her, but atleast we showed her that we care. And please don't forget to tell her in your message, " to stay focus."
Posted by Lucinda F. Boyd on August 9, 2022 at 5:36pm 0 Comments 2 Likes
Posted by Lucinda F. Boyd on September 26, 2022 at 3:25pm 0 Comments 1 Like
Posted by Lucinda F. Boyd on August 5, 2022 at 3:52pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Lucinda F. Boyd on August 5, 2022 at 1:30pm 0 Comments 1 Like
Posted by Lucinda F. Boyd on August 5, 2022 at 1:30am 0 Comments 1 Like
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