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You can make a difference in the life of a victim or survivor!

Being a friend or family member of a victim or survivor is
not an easy thing to be. Just know that we need to talk about what happened. We
need to feel loved and safe. Also know that we cherish each and every person
who reaches out to help us keep moving forward. We want to be happy and strong
and with your love and support we can be just that! XOXOXO

Rape is the need to control, humiliate, and harm. Rape crosses
racial, gender, age, economic, religious, cultural, and social
barriers. EVERY RAPE IS AN ATTEMPTED MURDER!  Rape leaves a victim feeling violated,
humiliated, worthless, and strips them entirely of their trust for almost
anyone. They isolate themselves, don’t want to leave their home, develop
insomnia, & replay the horror scenario over and over in their minds. Rape
victims suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).  Recovery from rape is a long process and can
take years to overcome.

I was 43 years old, I believed in God and that people were
good. I carried shame and humiliation for months. I locked myself away from my
friends and family for weeks at a time. I startled easily. I cried all the time.
I attempted suicide. I couldn’t stand to have anyone touch me or sometimes even
look at me. I suffered from insomnia, night terrors, and bed wetting. I hated
life. I hated myself.

I now 44 years
old, I still believe in God and that MOST people are good. I don’t carry
anymore shame or humiliation. I go out with friends and family. I still startle
easily. I only cry once in a while. I want to live. I let people touch me again
and enjoy it. I hold my head up high and look everyone in the eye. I still suffer
from insomnia. I don’t have too many night terrors. More like a bad dream. The
bed wetting has stopped. I love life and I love who I have become. ~~~Christina

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Comment by The Streets Don't Love You Back on November 2, 2011 at 5:44pm
thank you for teaming up with our movement to help save lives and for spreading your message as well together we are very strong in numbers and voice i want to push for life in prison for these monsters who hurt our women and kids.i want our movement to spread around the world to help save our women and kids from these monsters.we must push to put them away forever.enough is enough lets all take a stand together and fight to change these abuse laws to life in prison



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