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Christina Kasper's Blog – October 2011 Archive (7)

Life is Beautiful...



“For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else. It is about your outlook towards life. You can either regret or rejoice.”~~Unknown

I have struggled trying to stay positive during the past couple of years through the divorce and the rape, but I am learning to decipher the good even in the worst of times. Sometimes we think when things don’t go the right way, when we suffer a defeat, that all…


Added by Christina Kasper on October 31, 2011 at 6:46pm — No Comments

Things Not to Say to a Survivor



Things Not to Say to a Survivor




are things that will "trigger" or upset a survivor.



Most people don't have a clue what to say or do. It's a hope that this list

will help. We're still your friends, family, wives, moms, students, husbands,

teachers, doctors, brothers and loved ones. There's no need to back off or be

scared of us.



For the most part these suggestions are…


Added by Christina Kasper on October 31, 2011 at 6:06pm — No Comments

Courage Does Not Always Roar



When life gets you down and the problems you face are certainly more than your share...

When you run out of strength and you want to give up because it's just too much to bear...


I want to remind you, my precious friend, that you have what it takes inside...…


Added by Christina Kasper on October 31, 2011 at 6:04pm — No Comments




"Do what honors and respects you. Don’t participate in activities that bring you down. Don’t allow toxic people in your life. Love everyone, but be discerning on who you allow into your life" ~ ♥ Tess Marshall

Added by Christina Kasper on October 31, 2011 at 5:56pm — No Comments

To Love Life


“To love life, to love it even

when you have no stomach for it

and everything you've held dear

crumbles like burnt paper in your hands,

your throat filled with the silt of it.

When grief sits with you, its tropical heat

thickening the air, heavy as water

more fit for gills than lungs;

when grief weights you like your own flesh

only more…


Added by Christina Kasper on October 30, 2011 at 3:09pm — No Comments





It would be easy to pretend

that everything is fine

that life is completely normal

and that the Fates fair wind blew kind

Or, that I have truly healed

or that Time can rewind

what circumstances He did steal

of what my Heart may never find

A Confidence, that…


Added by Christina Kasper on October 30, 2011 at 2:49pm — No Comments

    "A broken soul that's gone through more pain than words can say, but found the courage to rise above & face another day. Their crying heart believes that sorrows never last, and tomorrow shines a…



"A broken soul that's gone through more pain than words can say, but found the courage to rise above & face another day. Their crying heart believes that sorrows never last, and tomorrow shines a brand new light that fades away the past." -Jimmy McClendon


Added by Christina Kasper on October 30, 2011 at 2:45pm — No Comments



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